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Any student organization registered with the Student Involvement & Leadership Center (IMU 270) with a beINvolved account.
Apply to IU Funding Board through your organization's beINvolved Manage Organization/Manage Home screen Finance tool. Go to "Create New Request" and select "Create Budget Request."
Submit the application and budget at least 6 weeks prior to your event date. Funding Board can have an approximate 6-week turnaround time to when you will be asked to present to the Board.
Present your initiative (with event, cost, follow-up and other details) to the Funding Board and directors. The Board will schedule your organization for a brief three minute presentation discussing your initiative on Monday (7:00–9:00 PM) nights. Following the presentation, the Funding Board will have a chance to ask questions about your initiative for three minutes.
Your organization will be notified of the decision approximately one to two weeks after your presentation/application review.
You are welcome to meet with the Funding Board directors to review the details of your grant and discuss any relevant follow-up procedures. Please see our current office hours or feel free to email us at any time!
Apply as early as you can, but not before you can provide clear details about your event. The Board requires that groups submit an application for funding at least six weeks prior to their initiative/event date. Due to an unprecedented number of proposals during the 2023-2024 year, the Funding Board cannot guarantee a quick turnaround on presentation scheduling, and organizations may not receive a determination on funding until up to six weeks after submission.
You are permitted to submit applications for funding up to four times per semester or eight times across the entire academic year. You may present multiple initiatives at once, at the three minute presentation and three minute questions time limit per initiative.
Please ensure that organization members give the presentation—not an advisor of the organization. Please send the individual most familiar with the budget and application who can speak with knowledge about the proposal. A maximum of 3 people may represent your organization during the presentation.
Typically, the money should be in your possession within 5 weeks of the reviewal date.
Please note that bank account, supplier status, and outdated addresses slow the funding timeline. Please ensure all areas are up to date prior to submitting a proposal to expedite the process.
Presentations should have detailed information about your request amount and a line itemized budget. We also ask for you to tell us about what the initiative is and how it will impact the IU community.
One month after the initiative, all receipts must be submitted through a purchase request form on beINvolved. If all allocated funds were not used, we request that the money be sent back to IU Funding Board.
IU Funding Board strives to give every organization what they need to be successful. If your request is denied, we will walk you through the steps needed to better help your organization prepare for future funding requests.